You May perhaps be confused about the title of this post, maybe not. Its a direct reference to one of the many possible title origins to the art movement "Dada". Not far removed, is the connection to this piece , and the story its for.
There are some artists close to, and inspired by Marcel Duchamp (as well as both Surrealism and Dada), featured in this article. Since all involved are being shown within Philly's Art Museum, and with a slice of simplicity, I bring you my cover piece above and below.
I really wanted to provide a cover treatment that followed some of the free-form concepts within Dada-ist works, without going completely unreadable. The framework for the text is supported with angle reflections of the architecture of the museums arches, as well as the famous 72 steps (all of which are present here".
Though understated, the framework is much clearer in the concept sketch above. Less so, but close in the concept sketches below.
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