"slee-eepless nights" (sung to the tune of a song that doesn't exist because in my sleepless state, my brain is spitting out nonsense like so much car exhaust). Here I present my 3 pieces for the 3B Show! This is yet another fantastic Autumn Society show with Gallery 1988 Venice. Much like the 3G show (peep my pieces here), this show spotlights 3 movies for the contributing artists to depict. In this case, the movies are: Back to the Future, Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, and Beetlejuice. I have been supernaturally excited about this show since I was invited (once again, thanks Chogrin), and thus have been wracking my brain for what to do. All in all, working on these has produced a fairly consistent mind-boner since I began. Im REALLY curious to see everyone else's work.
I would add in-process sketches here, but there really wasn't any process. I just sat up late at night, watching all 3 movies, taking screen-caps of different scenes and characters. For what seemed like a few years, I walked around, angry-eyed, pouring over details trying to think of what I wanted to draw. There were many situations I would just fade out, mid-conversation, just thinking "I gotta get that corndog in Sigmund Freud's hand".
I decided not to draw the main characters, or any particular scenes, favoring instead to draw a setting or feeling that represented each movie. Im just more interested in doing my own thing rather than copy the movie. Other people are able to represent that style better than I can, so they can do that. In any case, after a few sleepless nights, I got em done. So here they are.
I tried to fill each piece with lots of detail and little fun crap for people to find and look at. This little feller is definitely one of my favorite details though.
Till next time, Im off to bed.
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