EVAN M. LOPEZ: "Video Game Gore" Show 2010

"Video Game Gore" Show 2010

Those who read this blog at all, know I am affiliated with The Autumn Society. Great...anyways. I was asked to create a poster/postcard/flyer for the upcoming 'Video Game gore" show in October. Now, I play video games. Granted, I am not by any means a hardcore gamer, but I play and have played video games consistently since atari was new and I was in small blue pants.

That being said, this show was more specific than just the overall theme of video games; it was about GORY games. I could have gone the route of drawing up some familiar characters in some cartoon fashion, which would have been fine. But thats not really what i do. Its hard for me to draw someone else's stuff when I know I can come up with my own. So, I needed to think, and think i did. I imagined simplicity, gore and video games. This required a peek into the "vault", which means I had to go into my parents basement, where all my old toys and game systems now reside. I pulled out my old V1 Nintendo system for an impromptu reference photo session, and had my pops hold it in various positions till I got the right perspective. I wanted to get all the grooves and screw sockets into the drawing, so this all was terribly necessary. After a quick sketch (that was approved just as quick with an enthusiastic "Fuckin' Awesome" (seen below)) I was ready to really draw this draw...ing.

The only rules I was given regarding this piece, were that it be 300dpi Cmyk (of course) and that it only be red, black(with grays) and white. This put a little pinch on the idea I initially had of a meaty pink and pukey green bloody monster coming out of the box, but no problem. I set to work giving this bitch as much red bloody nastiness as the size allowed, and soon had the piece below, and eventually the card at the top of this post.

But the story does not end there. That meaty pink and pukey green and bloody thing, will be my submission to the show. With all haste, it shall make it onto the digital crannies of this site (as soon as i do it).

Sometimes even the end, is not the end. So is the final of this piece (which is shown at the top of this post. 

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