EVAN M. LOPEZ: Pump Yer Brakes!

Pump Yer Brakes!

Random, last minute, "We needed this yesterday" projects are certainly one of my specialties. This fit right in there. This was for a cover story highlighting a new production of, oh you can read what it is. Anyway, apparently a few sources fell out, and the powers that be needed something fast and good. I am pleased to say I was called in for just such a job. To get the old, worn-in look of classic posters, I relied on the classic, worn-in #2 pencil for the whole shebang. There is a huge difference to the more refined graphite, and should not be ignored when needed. 

Also, recently I attacked this cover job for a mis-trial story. A bit of a late update, but the home studio is abuzz with new projects! More on that, as things move forward...

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