EVAN M. LOPEZ: Recent, and not so recent logo work

Recent, and not so recent logo work

These two "1st try" logos will not see the light of day. Its just as well, they still need some work. Perhaps in the future they will make an appearance. The design recycling bin never REALLY gets emptied, even if it should.

These two, however, did make it to print. Since I began here at the CItyPaper, I have designed all the logos for the now defunct CP Choice issue. It was fun while it lasted. As you may guess, the top issue (2007) was Vegas themed.

The short lived CityPaper softball league. I think people realized the after game beers were more fun than the game itself...?

This is a logo for a Semi-local dentist. The guy has a bit of a sense of humor. How can he not, he calls himself "Dr. Slob" in all his advertising.

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